Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Hey all you High Vibe Humans!
I am so excited to share with you this news! Okay, in reality I am giving ONE workshop twice, at two different festivals. Let me start at the beginning, I'm so excited to share this with you.
Every summer I do a Golden Gaian Adventure, a documented trip about a Gaian Traveller and Light Worker Explorer filled with Golden Creative Life Force Energy on a mission to cleanse the Crystalline Consciousness, and Root in Universal and Solar Upgrades.
This year, I was blessed with the opportunity to help co-create at several festivals this year. I have created a workshop on Personal Empowerment called “Fill Your Cup: Empowerment” that I hope to share with all who attend.
Check out my Latest Festival announcement video for more details, Click Here
  1. The first stop on my tour is “Branch Out Camp Out” Festival in Bangor Michigan, from June 10-11th. This festival is run by the TreeLove Collective and is located on the Elderberry Farm Property. My workshop is scheduled to take place on Saturday June 11th @ Noon. Let’s meet up and empower each other to Spread the Love. I look forward to listening to my friends SpaceShip EarthDrewphoria &Friends preform as well as Dixon’s Violin and Unlimited Aspect ! My friend Angelina (The BookFairy) will also be giving a highly anticipated workshop as well!
  2. The second Stop is in Pennsylvania for the 5th annual Mad Tea Party Festival June 17th- 19th. This festival began as a Wedding & Reception, and continued on as their anniversary. I am blessed to be apart of this expression of love and creativity. A big thank you to Project Bring Me To Life for coordinating the workshops and putting in so much effort to co-create this festival. I will be giving my workshop along side these wonderful co-creators: 
  3. The Next stop the #goldengaianadventure is Electric Click Here
    Forest 2016, held in Rothbury, Michigan. It’s one of the largest festivals in the mid west. I am excited to be apart of that creative energy that makes Electric Forest the rocking festival that it is. Check out my Latest Festival announcement video for more details, 
  4. Then, after a brief break, I will be heading to the Mountains of North Carolina in August for Three Days of Light: Activation . This is a consciousness festival and retreat which provides a wide varietyof workshop topics, meditations, and exercises during the day. At night, heady meditation music, transcendental New Age EDM, and the sounds of drum circles fill the air. I will be volunteering my time to help co-create the festival and will be working alongside The Book Fairy in the Kid
    Village Speading the looooove.

    Join the adventure by following any one of my socials:
    SnapChat: Spreadlovescott
    Twitter: @Breezyspreadlov
    My last Truthday Tuesday Video, THE TRUTH ABOUT SHAVING 
    See you on the Flip side, until next time
    Stay Healthy, Stay Light, Don't Give up the Fight

    Support the Adventure! Spread Love & Subscribe! Along our journey we may do crazy things like Give away free Books, meditate with crystals on our foreheads, or activate our LIGHT BODIES! Once again, thank you for your support on this #GoldenGaianAdventure. This is only the beginning.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


For more visit

This was the phrase I started with in 2016. I saw the symbolisim of the New Moon on the New Year and made a commitment to myself; I would make at least one YouTube video a week.
This is a personal goal. Therefore, I am writing this quest journal to report my successes thus far on my #goldengaianadventure.
CLICK HERE to Watch this week's Truthday Tuesday Video
^^ In this video, I talk about my spirit animals, Reiki, Future & Past lives.

Truthday Tuesday is a day where you, the High vibe humans, ask me questions and I answer them based on my truth and my experience of the world.
Erick asks “What is your Spirit Animal?”
I have a few the butterfly, Salmon, Lion, and the Horse. Reflecting on these animals and what they mean, I realize how I draw on the strengths of these animals throughout my life.In my last video I talked about my survivor experience. Looking back on that time in my life, it makes sense that these animals were symbolic to me.

Nick Mielnicki asks “What do you think about future lives?”
How we act today, creates the future others will live in. 

Brendon aka Skullbabylon asks “What do you think about past lives?”
The actual knowing of the past life, is not as important as knowing the lessons that were learned in that life. These lessons provide insight into your life now.

Amie asks “What do you think of the Practice of Reiki?”
I’m no expert but I do believe in energy work. I would like to know more!
That was just a taste. 
If you would like to ask a question, post in the comments
OR tweet me @breezyspreadlov

I am here to report that the #GoldenGaianAdventure continues to grow evolve and get stronger.
I will not give up, I will only give better. #bethechange 

Stay Healthy Stay Light, and Don’t give up the Fight.

New Year New Posts

More Information at

Ya ho! Breezy Here, with another Whirlwind update for all you sexy shifters!

It's 2016! And boy did this year started off with a Bang! Holding nothing back, it unleashed all its potential and  inspired many to create.
For instance, there is this sweet new Paradigm Shift platform for all of us to converse! Nothing is more important than the sharing of information.

That is why I am so happy to be a part of this shift! I get to share it with you! We can be creative together, inspiring love together. It will be magical.
I digress.
2016 was not shy about being new... no it took "New" to a whole new level by opening with a NEW MOON. This brought upgrades for every being on this planet. When one tunes in, one begins to notice a subtle vibrating energy of "beginning", and when this energy is noticed it begins to take hold. Maybe some of you can attest to "upgrades" in your life or a space that has opened up allowing something new to come in.
Either way, there is a subtle vibration that leads to a not so subtle expression of newness.
For example, I decided to revamp my YouTube Channel concept, connect with Paradigm Shift Central, get my dreadlocks re-twisted, and do TWO photo shoots. My "newness" KNOWS NO BOUNDS.

In this energy, I feel free to expand and act on my true potential. In this energy, my authentic self emerges un-apologetically to nay-sayers and discriminators. It will not go quietly into the night. For it is here to stay.
....See not so subtle....
I can tell 2016 is the year of the "Hustler".
To me a hustler is a person who has dedicated every breath to bringing their dream into reality. This takes dedication, sacrifice, strength, integrity, and most of all determination. This person might be called crazy, a workaholic, a dreamer, an idealist, or a fool. Yet, despite all the name calling, the facts show the opposite. The path of the hustler becomes clearer with each hard earned step forward.
If you want something done right, do it yourself. If you want something to be done about the world, you do it yourself. If other people inspire you, you still have to do something. It all comes down to doing.

That is what the "Hustler" lives by. 
And that, High Vibe Humans is what 2016 has told me.
"Work Hard, Play Hard, Work Hard, Play Hard."
Stay Healthy Stay Light, and Don't Give up the Fight. 
Breezy Out!