Monday, August 21, 2017

The Eclipse and Negative Energy

Hey All you High Vibe Humans!

Archangel Michael is supporting you and creating a wonderful August with you! His energy was strong in the first two weeks. The angels have been giving us sweet messages this month, which you can check out on my Instagram. Today, the card is Archangel Michael “YOU ARE SAFE”. He is here to reassure us that this Eclipse you will be safe from the lower energies.
This week is the Solar ECLIPSE!
Ancient cultures around the world each have their own myths to explain the visual spectacle. The sun was everything to our indigenous brothers and sisters. Before science clarified and simplified the passing of the moon in front of the sun, many myths depicted a giant deity swallowing the sun. For instance, the Vikings described a pair of wolves chasing the sun and an eclipse would happen when they finally caught the dancing orb. In Vietnam, the deity was a frog or toad that eats the sun. According to a National Geographic article, cultures around the world made noise, such as banging on drums or chanting, in order to chase away the deity attempting to steal the sun. This was how humans prevented the kidnapping of their precious sun. One African myth states that some chants are to get the sun and the moon to stop fighting. The Eclipse is seen as a day to resolve feuds and come together. This energy has had a negative connotation.

The negative connotation in all these myths, I’m assuming, stems from a lack of understanding of the event. The sun was so integral to our human survival that its disappearance would mean the end of the world. Our ancestors had no way of knowing if this change would be permanent or temporary and thus it was seen as a negative event. However, one Native American tradition states that this event is about balance. That it is a time to sit with family and reflect on the passing of time and the “cosmic order” of the universe. The Navajo state that this time should be spent singing, fasting, and spending time with family.
These connotations often lead to modern misunderstandings.
The most prevalent modern misunderstanding is that you cannot and should not look at the sun during a total eclipse because you might be possessed or your shadow self will be intensified. These ideas stem from a lack of understanding about an eclipse. Now, we know it's not demons devouring the sun, it's just the moon. Eclipse or no Eclipse, it’s common sense not to stare at the sun. I believe ancient cultures noticed that our vision was affected during an eclipse and in order to protect the people, it became a tradition to advise against looking at the eclipse.
To summarize, please use your discernment and common sense, not all superstitions are beneficial for humanity. In the past, myths and stories were used to describe events that we can now explain scientifically. Don’t let some past superstition prevent you from seeing a historic event. I also want to caution against the cultural appropriation of ancient traditions. Do not engage in an eclipse ritual if you are not fully educated on its history or cultural origins. This is especially important if you do not normally subscribe to that religion and have not been invited to participate in the practice.
Create your own eclipse rituals and traditions, or research your heritage for their eclipse folklore.
How did you spend your eclipse? Post in the comments below.

That's all for this week.
If you would like your question answered by the angels, post in my YouTube Comments OR tweet me @breezyspreadlove

Truthday Tuesday is a day you the high vibe humans get to ask me questions and I answer them based on my truth- my perception of the world.
~*To Submit your questions, post in the YouTube comments or Tweet me @breezyspreadlov *~
If your question didn’t get answered → Stay tuned for Breezy’s Live Stream of Consciousness LIVE! ON THE 17th of each month.
Stay Healthy Stay Light, and Don’t give up the Fight.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


TRUTHDAY TUESDAY Is getting an Upgrade.

Yes, Tuesday Tuesday is changing. Change is normal, change is something we all deal with. Though, maybe using Angel Oracle Cards isn't very normal.
However,  this is the most honest expression of my self.
I am expanding my self as a High Vibe Human. In order to be the best possible version of myself and in order to serve the community better. This is for YOU.

TRUTHDAY TUESDAY is now a day where YOU, the High Vibe Humans, ask the angels questions. I will be the bridge between the angelic realm and the human realm. Using Angel Cards will allow us to understand some of the unconscious themes in our lives. This divine insight and wisdom can inform our daily lives. With new information, we can easily become our best possible selves.

Personal Angel Card readings
ANGELS and other guides often attempt to communicate using symbols and suggestions. Card readings can help bring clarification to the messages that are coming to you. If you would like to ask a question please use the hashtag #truthdaytuesday on any of my social media platforms.
TWEET ME @breezyspreadlov
Or, if you would like a more in-depth reading and would like to support the healing journey that is the Golden Gaia Adventure, please visit :

New Beginnings
When the seasons change, so do aspects of our lives. I am excited to rebirth my YouTube channel as a place for spiritual messages to come through (with a splash of humor, of course). If you have any questions or concerns about the show, please let me know!
Until next time,
Stay Healthy, Stay Light, And Don't Give Up the Fight!

TRUTHDAY: Angels and Cheating.

Cheating & Qualifications
This week the angels answer two questions regarding life.
"Why do people cheat?" & "what qualifies a person to answer questions about other people's lives?"

I give my truth about cheating, then invite the angels to share their thoughts.

As far as qualifications....
We all have spirit guides and angels who watch over us. They whisper helpful remarks in our ear when we need it most. Perhaps, they help us sooth others by assisting us in finding the right words to say. I believe the angels guide us if we are open to listening.

Click the link for the full video.

If you would like a personal Angel card reading, please see the selection of healing packages at