I have a few exciting updates to share with you!
I am deeply honored and humbled to announce that I have been nominated for “Guide of the Year” at the Crystal Chalice Awards in Maryland.
A little bit about the nomination...
I have been recognized for the work I do in the field of psychology, and for my dedication to the healing arts. I graduated from Aquinas College in 2013 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology. I am completing my Master’s in Counseling Psychology at Western Michigan University. Currently, I am an intern at Rinehart Institute, a Holistic Health and Wellness Counseling center in Kalamazoo. When I am not working on my degree or providing counseling services, I am traveling the country teaching Holistic Health workshops at music festivals and events. I am grateful for the nomination because worked hard at honing my counseling skills. It is my personal mission to guide others, and walk with them on their emotional, mental, and spiritual journeys. My skills to therapeutically guide others are continuously improving and evolving. I want to thank those who have supported and will continue to support me on this journey becoming a healing professional.
In order to Win...
I need the support of my family, friends, and fellow High Vibe Humans! The voting acts as a gauge that let's the judges know that others also recognize how hard I am working. I humbly ask that you vote for me. Especially if, you have witnessed me in a therapeutic setting, have been on the receiving end of my counseling, or attended one of my summer workshops.
Cast your votes...
I have added the link >> HERE << that you can click on. It will take you to the voting page. Click "Guides/Writers" and then select "Breezy Scott". Submit your vote, and you're done! At this point, I want to thank you for taking the time to do that, and for supporting a good cause.
I need the High Vibe Humans to share their voice. You can cast your vote at https://www.projectbringme2life.com/ccavoting
Not the only one...
I'm not the only person up for a nomination. I'm excited to be nominated alongside other High Vibe Humans who are hustling harder to make the world a better place. I would like to take the time to shout out my hard working friends who are nominated!
Photographer of the Year: Melissa Henk
Album of the Year: J.Lauryn "Golden Year"
Song & Album of the Year "I AM": Uplifting Earth
Singer/songwriter of the Year: Drew Phillippy
Behind the Scenes MVP: Angelina Bertoni (The low key "G")
Hardworking Masculine Award: Brendon Culliton
Healer of the Year: Nick Meador & Jeffrey Grant
I want to support and lift up those friends that hustle for a higher purpose. Remember to keep shining your light, #spreadlove, and support your friends!
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